Laser Treatment / Laser Therapy

Laser treatment, also known as laser therapy, is an advanced and effective method to address skin conditions; such as age spots, vascular lesions, blemishes, freckles and more. These techniques utilize focused, intermittent beams of light to target specific areas, gently removing layers of skin and stimulating natural regeneration for a smoother, healthier complexion.

At Dr. Stasch MediSpa in Nairobi, we are proud to offer cutting-edge laser treatments powered by the Alma Harmony XL Pro and Soprano Titanium Special Edition laser machines. These state-of-the-art devices provide unparalleled precision and safety, ensuring effective results with minimal downtime. Whether you’re looking to reduce pigmentation, rejuvenate your skin, or address stubborn blemishes, our advanced laser systems are designed to cater to your unique skin concerns.

Each treatment is customized to your individual needs. Our expert team begins with a detailed consultation with our dermatologist to understand your skin goals and provide a realistic assessment of the improvements you can expect.

Rediscover radiant skin with the latest in laser technology. Book your appointment today!

Laser Treatments by Soprano Titanium Special Edition

Laser Treatments by Harmony XL Pro

Harmony XL Pro - ClearLift

Harmony XL Pro - ClearSkin Pro

Harmony XL Pro - iPixel