Nail fungus treatment in Nairobi

Laser treatment is one of the FDA approved treatment options for Onychomycosis (toenail fungus infection). This condition can cause changes in the appearance and texture of the nail, and it typically requires prolonged treatment before the infection resolves.

There are several types of laser treatments used for toenail fungus, we use the highly effective NdYAG laser to cure these infections. The NdYAG laser is considered safe. Because fungal infections can persist, repeated treatments are usually necessary and it may take between 6 and 12 months for the treatment to be effective.

Symptoms & Causes of Nail Fungus

With Onychomycosis, the visible changes of the toenail are usually gradual and tend to worsen over time. Symptoms can include:

  • Yellow, white, or brown discoloration of the affected toenail
  • Flaky debris under or on the nail
  • Detachment of the nail from the nail bed below
  • Thickening of the nail or a change in texture
  • Changes in the shape of the nail, such as an increase in curvature

There are several types of fungus that can cause onychomycosis and the condition may develop after trauma to the foot or as a complication of athlete’s foot.

Effects of Laser Treatment

Treatment is considered effective when the symptoms of the infection resolve and when there is no evidence of fungus on cultured samples of the toe or surrounding skin.

Laser devices emit pulses of energy that impart heat to tissue such as nails and skin. The laser energy penetrates through the toenail to the nail bed where the fungus is also present. The laser is believed to exert antifungal activity by killing the mold or fungal organisms. When these microbes absorb the heat, they are destroyed.

What to Expect With Laser Treatment of Onychomycosis

At the initial consultation for laser onychomycosis treatment we will do an evaluation of the symptoms and possibly taking a sample by cutting and filing down of the nail so we know which organism we are treating.

The laser will be maneuvered over any affected nails, and may even be used over non-affected nails. One session typically lasts 30 minutes or less.

While some people experience resolution of the infection with a single treatment, additional treatments may be prescribed depending on the results. Even effective treatments are not expected to clear an infected nail immediatelyโ€”it may take up 12 months until the nail grows out to determine if the treatment has been successful. Traditional treatment of onychomycosis using oral or topical medications will likely be prescribed by our dermatologist in Nairobi, in order to maximize the benefits of the laser for nail fungus therapy.